With the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia as its successor the Constitutional Law on Implementation of the Constitution of Republic of Macedonia adopted as its own all applicable international treaties of the former Yugoslavia. It follows that the Republic of Macedonia accepted all conventions (agreements) on social security concluded with the former Yugoslavia and is obliged to consistently adhere to them and carry out the provisions of these conventions.
In the context of the previously stated it should be emphasized that the Republic of Macedonia as an independent state has agreements (conventions) on social security with Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Yugoslavia (Serbia and Republic of Montenegro), Turkey, Switzerland, Bulgaria Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Denmark (pending entry into force), Luxembourg and Belgium.
Agreements (conventions) aimed at securing and protection of Social Security in reference to temporary work in the other Contracting State, with temporary residence on other grounds, as well as permanent residence of pensioners and their family members and family members of active insured persons of both Contracting states.
Despite agreements (conventions) have been concluded and administrative arrangements governing the manner and procedure for the exercise of established rights contracts (conventions), the method of calculating the costs, administrative and legal aid, the application of bilingual forms to facilitate mutual communication between the holders of social insurance and insurers and others.
Given that the conventions will be established in different periods and countries with different social security systems, and some of them at a time when there is still not a matter of contractual employment of our citizens in other countries accepted different principles in concluding them and there neednoobraznost solutions within the regulation of certain issues related to health insurance and in addition can be distinguished several basic principles which are based on contracts (conventions), as follows:
· Equal treatment of all insured whether domestic or foreign insurers in the rights and obligations of Social Security;
· Unity of the territory of both Contracting States in order for the acquisition, preservation and restoration of rights in the field of social security;
· Enjoyment of the rights to social security burden on the country in which the person is insured;
· Application of the legislation on social security of the country in which the employee previously sent to work temporarily employed.
In terms of health insurance by Western countries, social insurance contracts are mainly based on the so-called "Principle of insurance," which means equal health care for policyholders of both Contracting States, under the same conditions and the same scope as domestic insurers, and load the relevant medium.
With the former Czechoslovakia (Slovakia), Northern Ireland and England, the conventions concluded on the principle of reciprocity, which implies the use of health services during the stay of the insured by a Contracting State in the territory of the other Contracting State the burden of the Contracting State in whose territory staying.
Special group conventions on social security conventions with Switzerland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark, which do not foresee a right to health care for their insured persons during a temporary stay in our country and the members of their families.
By the end of 1994 concluded Conventions and Agreements on Social Security of the former Yugoslavia, which Macedonia has taken are Conventions with the following countries:
1) General Convention on social security with France which was signed on January 5, 1950, entered into force on 1 April 1951 (Official Gazette of SFRY - supplement no.4 / 51);
2) Convention with the Government of the People's Republic of Hungary for regulating the issues of social security of citizens, which was signed on October 7, 1957, entered into force on 1 July 1958 (Official Gazette of SFRY - supplement no.8 / 58) ;
3) Convention on social security with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which was signed on 24 May 1958 and entered into force on 1 September 1958 (Official Gazette of SFRY - Supplement No. 7/58);
4) Convention on social security with the Republic of Italy, which was signed on 14 November 1957 and entered into force on 12 January 1961 (Official Gazette of SFRY - Appendix No.1 / 59);
5) Convention on social security with the Kingdom of Sweden, which was signed on March 30, 1978, and entered into force on 1 January 1979 (Official Gazette of SFRY - Supplement No.12 / 79);
6) Convention on social security with the Kingdom of Norway, which was signed on 22 November 1974 and entered into force on 1 September 1976 (Official Gazette of SFRY - Supplement No.22 / 75);
These conventions are in force until the conclusion of new bilateral agreements on social security by the Republic of Macedonia.
The former Yugoslavia has signed special agreements for providing health services to diplomatic and consular representatives and with Russia and Albania, Macedonia and they have taken.
Since its independence, the Republic of Macedonia renew and conclude new bilateral social security agreements with the following countries:
1. Macedonian-Austrian convention for social insurance
- Concluded on 28 February 1997 in Skopje
- Ratified on June 11, 1997
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No.28 of June 20, 1997
- Entered into force on 1 April 1998;
2. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and Croatia for Social Security
- Signed on May 9, 1997 in Skopje
- Ratified on June 9, 1997
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No. 34 of July 18, 1997
- Entered into force on 1 November 1997;
3. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Turkey on Social Security
- Agreement dated July 6, 1998 in Skopje
- Ratified on February 5, 1999
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No. 7 of February 10, 1999
- Entered into force on July 1, 2000
4. Agreement between Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Slovenia on Social Security
- Concluded on July 13, 1998 in Ljubljana
- Ratified on February 25, 1999
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No.13 of March 4, 1999
- Entered into force on April 1, 2001
5. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Swiss Confederation on social insurance
- Signed on December 9, 1999 in Bern
- Ratified on May 23, 2000
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" no.44 of June 2, 2000
- Entered into force on January 1, 2001
6. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Kingdom of Denmark on Social Security
- Concluded on 20 March 2000 in Copenhagen
- Ratified on May 9, 2000
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No. 37 of May 16, 2000
- Entered into force on ...............
7. Agreement between Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on social insurance
- Concluded on 29 December 2000 in Belgrade
- Ratified on January 23, 2002
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No.13 of February 13, 2002
- Entered into force on April 1, 2002
8. Agreement on Social Security between Macedonia and Bulgaria
- Signed on February 6, 2003 in Sofia
- Ratified on April 17, 2003
- Published in the "Official. Gazette "No. 31 of May 5, 2003
- Entered into force on August 1, 2003
9. Agreement between the Macedonian Government and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on Social Security
- Concluded on July 8, 2003 in Skopje
- Ratified on October 20, 2003
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No.70 of November 3, 2003
- Entered into force on January 1, 2005
10. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina social osiguruvanje
- Signed on February 17, 2005 in Sarajevo
- Ratified on September 13, 2005
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No. 82 from September 28, 2005
- Entered into force on April 1, 2006
11. Agreement between Macedonia and the Czech Republic on Social Security
- Concluded on October 7, 2005 in Skopje
- Ratified on February 10, 2006
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No. 20 of February 17, 2006
- Entered into force on January 1, 2007
12. Agreement between the Macedonian Government and the Government of the Netherlands on social security
- Concluded on 17 October 2005 in The Hague
- Ratified
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No. 20 of February 17, 2006
- Entered into force on April 1, 2007
13. Agreement between Macedonia and Romania on Social Security
- Agreement dated February 27, 2006 in Bucharest
- Ratified on April 28, 2006
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No.59 of May 12, 2006
- Entered into force on March 1, 2008
14. Agreement between Macedonia and Poland social security
- Signed on April 6, 2006 in Warsaw
- Ratified on 26 February 2007
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" no.27 / 2007
- Entered into force on July 1, 2007
15. Agreement between Macedonia and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on social security
- Concluded on 28 November 2006 in Luxembourg
- Ratified on April 2, 2007
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No.47 of April 13, 2007
- Entered into force on April 1, 2009
16. Agreement on Social Security between the Macedonian Government and the Belgian Government
- Concluded on 13 February 2007 in Brussels
- Ratified on June 1, 2007
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" no.74 / 2007
- Entered into force on June 1, 2009
17. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro on Social Security
- Concluded on 22 October 2010 in Skopje
- Ratified on March 8, 2011
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" no.25 / 2011
- Entered into force on August 1, 2011
18. Agreement between Macedonia and Hungary on social insurance and social security.
- Concluded on 20 November 2014 in Budapest
-ratifikuvan on May 12, 2015
-objaven ,, in Fig. ,, Gazette No.80 / 2015
-are Waiting to come into force ........
19. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Slovak Republic on Social Security - concluded on 21 November 2014 in Bratislava
-ratifikuvan on May 12, 2015
-objaven in Fig. Gazette ,, no. 80/2015
-stapil into force on December 1, 2015
20. Agreement between Macedonia and Albania Social Security -skluchen of March 17, 2015 in Skopje
In the context of the previously stated it should be emphasized that the Republic of Macedonia as an independent state has agreements (conventions) on social security with Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Yugoslavia (Serbia and Republic of Montenegro), Turkey, Switzerland, Bulgaria Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Denmark (pending entry into force), Luxembourg and Belgium.
Agreements (conventions) aimed at securing and protection of Social Security in reference to temporary work in the other Contracting State, with temporary residence on other grounds, as well as permanent residence of pensioners and their family members and family members of active insured persons of both Contracting states.
Despite agreements (conventions) have been concluded and administrative arrangements governing the manner and procedure for the exercise of established rights contracts (conventions), the method of calculating the costs, administrative and legal aid, the application of bilingual forms to facilitate mutual communication between the holders of social insurance and insurers and others.
Given that the conventions will be established in different periods and countries with different social security systems, and some of them at a time when there is still not a matter of contractual employment of our citizens in other countries accepted different principles in concluding them and there neednoobraznost solutions within the regulation of certain issues related to health insurance and in addition can be distinguished several basic principles which are based on contracts (conventions), as follows:
· Equal treatment of all insured whether domestic or foreign insurers in the rights and obligations of Social Security;
· Unity of the territory of both Contracting States in order for the acquisition, preservation and restoration of rights in the field of social security;
· Enjoyment of the rights to social security burden on the country in which the person is insured;
· Application of the legislation on social security of the country in which the employee previously sent to work temporarily employed.
In terms of health insurance by Western countries, social insurance contracts are mainly based on the so-called "Principle of insurance," which means equal health care for policyholders of both Contracting States, under the same conditions and the same scope as domestic insurers, and load the relevant medium.
With the former Czechoslovakia (Slovakia), Northern Ireland and England, the conventions concluded on the principle of reciprocity, which implies the use of health services during the stay of the insured by a Contracting State in the territory of the other Contracting State the burden of the Contracting State in whose territory staying.
Special group conventions on social security conventions with Switzerland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark, which do not foresee a right to health care for their insured persons during a temporary stay in our country and the members of their families.
By the end of 1994 concluded Conventions and Agreements on Social Security of the former Yugoslavia, which Macedonia has taken are Conventions with the following countries:
1) General Convention on social security with France which was signed on January 5, 1950, entered into force on 1 April 1951 (Official Gazette of SFRY - supplement no.4 / 51);
2) Convention with the Government of the People's Republic of Hungary for regulating the issues of social security of citizens, which was signed on October 7, 1957, entered into force on 1 July 1958 (Official Gazette of SFRY - supplement no.8 / 58) ;
3) Convention on social security with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which was signed on 24 May 1958 and entered into force on 1 September 1958 (Official Gazette of SFRY - Supplement No. 7/58);
4) Convention on social security with the Republic of Italy, which was signed on 14 November 1957 and entered into force on 12 January 1961 (Official Gazette of SFRY - Appendix No.1 / 59);
5) Convention on social security with the Kingdom of Sweden, which was signed on March 30, 1978, and entered into force on 1 January 1979 (Official Gazette of SFRY - Supplement No.12 / 79);
6) Convention on social security with the Kingdom of Norway, which was signed on 22 November 1974 and entered into force on 1 September 1976 (Official Gazette of SFRY - Supplement No.22 / 75);
These conventions are in force until the conclusion of new bilateral agreements on social security by the Republic of Macedonia.
The former Yugoslavia has signed special agreements for providing health services to diplomatic and consular representatives and with Russia and Albania, Macedonia and they have taken.
Since its independence, the Republic of Macedonia renew and conclude new bilateral social security agreements with the following countries:
1. Macedonian-Austrian convention for social insurance
- Concluded on 28 February 1997 in Skopje
- Ratified on June 11, 1997
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No.28 of June 20, 1997
- Entered into force on 1 April 1998;
2. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and Croatia for Social Security
- Signed on May 9, 1997 in Skopje
- Ratified on June 9, 1997
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No. 34 of July 18, 1997
- Entered into force on 1 November 1997;
3. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Turkey on Social Security
- Agreement dated July 6, 1998 in Skopje
- Ratified on February 5, 1999
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No. 7 of February 10, 1999
- Entered into force on July 1, 2000
4. Agreement between Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Slovenia on Social Security
- Concluded on July 13, 1998 in Ljubljana
- Ratified on February 25, 1999
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No.13 of March 4, 1999
- Entered into force on April 1, 2001
5. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Swiss Confederation on social insurance
- Signed on December 9, 1999 in Bern
- Ratified on May 23, 2000
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" no.44 of June 2, 2000
- Entered into force on January 1, 2001
6. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Kingdom of Denmark on Social Security
- Concluded on 20 March 2000 in Copenhagen
- Ratified on May 9, 2000
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No. 37 of May 16, 2000
- Entered into force on ...............
7. Agreement between Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on social insurance
- Concluded on 29 December 2000 in Belgrade
- Ratified on January 23, 2002
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No.13 of February 13, 2002
- Entered into force on April 1, 2002
8. Agreement on Social Security between Macedonia and Bulgaria
- Signed on February 6, 2003 in Sofia
- Ratified on April 17, 2003
- Published in the "Official. Gazette "No. 31 of May 5, 2003
- Entered into force on August 1, 2003
9. Agreement between the Macedonian Government and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on Social Security
- Concluded on July 8, 2003 in Skopje
- Ratified on October 20, 2003
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No.70 of November 3, 2003
- Entered into force on January 1, 2005
10. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina social osiguruvanje
- Signed on February 17, 2005 in Sarajevo
- Ratified on September 13, 2005
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No. 82 from September 28, 2005
- Entered into force on April 1, 2006
11. Agreement between Macedonia and the Czech Republic on Social Security
- Concluded on October 7, 2005 in Skopje
- Ratified on February 10, 2006
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No. 20 of February 17, 2006
- Entered into force on January 1, 2007
12. Agreement between the Macedonian Government and the Government of the Netherlands on social security
- Concluded on 17 October 2005 in The Hague
- Ratified
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No. 20 of February 17, 2006
- Entered into force on April 1, 2007
13. Agreement between Macedonia and Romania on Social Security
- Agreement dated February 27, 2006 in Bucharest
- Ratified on April 28, 2006
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No.59 of May 12, 2006
- Entered into force on March 1, 2008
14. Agreement between Macedonia and Poland social security
- Signed on April 6, 2006 in Warsaw
- Ratified on 26 February 2007
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" no.27 / 2007
- Entered into force on July 1, 2007
15. Agreement between Macedonia and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on social security
- Concluded on 28 November 2006 in Luxembourg
- Ratified on April 2, 2007
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" No.47 of April 13, 2007
- Entered into force on April 1, 2009
16. Agreement on Social Security between the Macedonian Government and the Belgian Government
- Concluded on 13 February 2007 in Brussels
- Ratified on June 1, 2007
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" no.74 / 2007
- Entered into force on June 1, 2009
17. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro on Social Security
- Concluded on 22 October 2010 in Skopje
- Ratified on March 8, 2011
- Published in the "Official Gazette of RM" no.25 / 2011
- Entered into force on August 1, 2011
18. Agreement between Macedonia and Hungary on social insurance and social security.
- Concluded on 20 November 2014 in Budapest
-ratifikuvan on May 12, 2015
-objaven ,, in Fig. ,, Gazette No.80 / 2015
-are Waiting to come into force ........
19. Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Slovak Republic on Social Security - concluded on 21 November 2014 in Bratislava
-ratifikuvan on May 12, 2015
-objaven in Fig. Gazette ,, no. 80/2015
-stapil into force on December 1, 2015
20. Agreement between Macedonia and Albania Social Security -skluchen of March 17, 2015 in Skopje